Il software di gestione NAS, che supporta attualmente iOS e Androi consente . The of the tests show that the Thecus N2310’s hardware allows for maximum levels in speeds that NAS can show in writing and reading data. Now supporting both iOS and Androi this NAS management software .
N23Il miglior valore della sua classe. Supporto RAID ( e JBOD); Accesso file basato su web; Server FTP integrato; Client . Thecus SOHO NAS Server N231 with RAID support (800MHz SoC processor, 512MB RAM): Computers Accessories. We love the price and surprisingly good performance of Thecus’ N23network-attached storage device.
RAID and drive setup issues limit its . Tipi di unità di archiviazione installate: HD Tipi di unità di archiviazione supportate: HD Interfaccia dispositivo di archiviazione: . Trova Prezzi è il motore di ricerca che ti fa risparmiare sui tuoi acquisti. I prezzi più bassi per thecus n2310. Parliamo del N23di Thecus, un NAS ormai sul mercato da un po’ di tempo e che la stessa azienda definisce come “Best-in-Class Value”. DaveChaos takes a look at this dual bay NAS from Thecus the N2310.
Case in point is Thecus’ fresh N23for use at home. It is equipped with an 8MHz SoC processor and 5MB of DDRRAM and can take .
Today we are going to look at one of the latest products in Thecus’ range of NAS servers – the N2310. This comes in at the bottom of their range . Users can opt for either JBO RAID or RAID configurations. We benchmarked the unit in RAID with . The Thecus N23is a lower price alternative to the expensive file servers and media servers available in the retail market.
Dimensioni prodotto, 2x 1x cm. I’ve tried both available download for Plex on my Thecus N23and both aren’t working. Thecus N2310: The Thecus N23has good file transfer performance, but the frustrating user interface means there are plenty of better .