MacBook Air o MacBook Pro base da 13. Specifiche alla mano, il vecchio Air è sempre e comunque una macchina interessante, bella, . Scegliere il modello di MacBook giusto non è tanto scontato, e al di là delle ovvie differenza tra la linea Air e Pro, c’è da tenere a mente molte .
Se siete tra coloro che hanno atteso impazientemente i nuovi MacBook Pro, quelli presentati la settimana scorsa, forse siete rimasti disorientati . We benchmark and compare the 12-inch MacBook, the MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each . If you are in the market for a new laptop you might be wondering whether to opt for the MacBook Air or MacBook Pro. Entra in chat o chiama il numero 85533.
Display Retina retroilluminato LED da 12. Which Apple laptop should you buy? We compare the MacBook Pro and Air to see what’s different. Should you get the MacBook, MacBook Air, or MacBook Pro?
Apple currently has three laptops in their product lineup . Apple hasn’t officially killed the MacBook Air yet, but it didn’t update it during its October event either. Instea the company announced a third . Rob Griffiths wanted to replace his two aging laptops with one new one. But which Mac laptop to choose: the Air or the Pro?
The 20MacBook Pros are smaller and more powerful than the MacBook Air, but it’s worth taking a close look at these two offerings before . Here is our comparison between the 20Macbook Pro vs 20Macbook Air. Apple’s laptop lineup is more confusing than ever. Here’s how to decide which MacBook, MacBook Air, or MacBook Pro is right for you. MacBook Air vs MacBook Pro comparison. The Macbook Air is cheaper, smaller, lighter and more portable but has no DVD drive and much less storage capacity . Confronto fra il MacBook Air e il MacBook Pro: caratteristiche dei due computer Apple, quale scegliere e perché.
Apple’s shiny MacBook is appealing, and oh so different than the MacBook Air.