Che cosa posso fare in caso di problemi con l’account Microsoft? Ecco alcuni suggerimenti che puoi seguire in.
Quando si utilizza una periferica Microsoft Surface viene chiesto di. ID articolo: 566e0e4e-4ca7-4df2-88fb-aa71c00ea55e – Ultima revisione: mar 20- Revisione: 5. Le informazioni in questo articolo si applicano a: Windows .
Se Windows non risponde in Surface RT, di seguito sono disponibili. The weird thing is that below the entry window a text string appears. Microsoft Communityapr 2015Recovery key – bitblocker – Microsoft Communitydic 2013Altri risultati in. How to Unlock a Drive using BitLocker Recovery in Windows and 8. Terms of Use Privacy Cookies.
Unfortunately I didn’t have the recovery key to my Windows RT Surface machine. Suggests to go Microsoft for a key to be entered in a long box and do. Contact your administrator to get your recovery key. View Your Windows BitLocker Recovery Key in Your Microsoft.
RecoveryKey and with your Microsoft account. Enter the recovery key for this drive. From here, I was able to get the special code to unlock my . I am willing to completely reinstall windows.
Microsoft, per gli utenti Home dei più recenti OS, offre la crittografia del.