La nostra App mySportler è pensata per tutti i clienti Carta Vantaggi Sportler, ma non solo. Come cliente carta Vantaggi Sportler puoi accedere con i tuoi dati . Accedi semplicemente con i tuoi dati personali e beneficia subito di .
Sportler is a sports tracker especially designed for winter sports, especially ski and snowboard. Start tracking with a single click and Sportler . Sportler is an App that enables tennis scheduling in a few taps. Sportler saves you time, helps you confirm.
Sportler can be used to schedule any sports activity and is meant to encourage group sporting activities. Ideally the logo reminds of having fun outdoors playing . Die App Sidekick soll das Tinder für Fitness-Fans sein. Mittels des gleichen Prinzips soll man den perfekten Trainingspartner finden.