Drag Android File Transfer to Applications. Use the USB cable that came with your Android . Trasferisci file via USB dal tuo Android al tuo Mac.
Puoi spostare foto, musica e altri file dal computer al telefono o tablet e viceversa utilizzando un. Sul computer viene aperta una finestra Android File Transfer. Withoutand without USB cable. File Transfer works cross-platform on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. Come trasferire file tra Android e Mac.
Android File Transfer, serve per far comunicare il Mac con un dispositivo Android collegato tramite porta USB. Serve per caricare velocemente foto, video e . Commander One: download Android File Transfer App, mount Android devices and transfer files from Android to Mac. Android Transfer for Windows latest version: The Easy Way to Manage an. For anyone unfamiliar with an APK file or the operating system in general this kind .