Carbon copy cloner

Make a CCC backup before you upgrade to Sierra and you won’t lose sleep (or time). Check out CCC 4’s new and updated features: View Product Features . Carbon Copy Cloner is the latest version available.

La nuova versione di Carbon Copy Cloner, celebre utility per eseguire backup e clonare dischi, è ora compatibile con OS X 10. Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC), download gratis Mac. Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) (OS X 1 – 1) 3. L’utility definitiva per clonare un disco rigido.

Carbon Copy Cloner backups are better than ordinary backups. Suppose the unthinkable happens while you’re under deadline to finish a . Allora ti consiglio di dare un’occhiata a Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner è una nota applicazione per Mac dedicata alla “clonazione” degli hard disk, . Carbon Copy Cloner makes drive backup straightforward and accessible, even if you’re uncomfortable with performing this process. Carbon Copy Cloner: Come Time Machine, ma più di Time Machine.

Software gratuito per il backup e la clonazione di hard disk. Carbon Copy Cloner, a venerable cloning and backup utility, gains new features and an improved interface. The new version of long and storied app Carbon Copy Cloner adds full macOS Sierra support, plus implements features aimed to make using it .