Angular route

The ngRoute module helps your application to become a Single Page Application. If you want to navigate to different pages in . URLs to controllers and views (HTML partials).

AngularJS services that handle common . Then add ngRoute as a dependency for your app: angular. Contribute to bower-angular-route development by creating an account on GitHub. OverviewSingle page apps are becoming increasingly popular. Sites that mimic the single page app behavior are able to provide the feel of a . A routed Angular application has one singleton instance of the Router service.

When the browser’s URL changes, that router looks for a corresponding Route . AngularJS Routing and Views Tutorial. In this article we go through concept of Routing in Angular. Also we will see how to load multiple views . AngularJS routes can be used to show different content in an AngularJS app based on the part of the URL after the # (the route), practically . AngularJS Routing: We can build Single Page Application (SPA) with AngularJS. It is a web app that loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates that . Using routing, AngularJS application can show different content based on which route is selected.

Routes are basically bookmark-able URL’s . The route configuration is implemented in app. Angular supports the concept of auxiliary routes, which allow you to set up and navigate multiple independent routes in a single app. Note :id in the path of the product-details route, which places the parameter in the path. For example, to see the product details page for product with ID you . Rather than define each route’s component separately, use RouterOutlet which serves as a component placeholder; Angular dynamically adds the component . Learn how to use the new Angular component router, avoid common pitfalls, learn Child Routes, Auxiliary Routes, avoid Memory Leaks.

I was expecting to see this question on Stackoverflow but didn’t. This video shows how to use the routing features of AngularJS. Learn how to implement basic routing in your Angular application using the latest and greatest APIs!